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Showing Support For The Work At Home Mom


Entireweb Business Directory

src="https://web.archive.org/web/20110726075741im_/http://www.bizoppmarketing.com/images2/ladyinwhitelaptop.jpg" style="border: 0px; float: left; margin: 15px;" width="175" />Do you have a work at home mom in your life? Does she continue to amaze you in the way she balances her home life responsibilities with those of her business? Does it seem like she manages her business and her life with little effort or stress? Many work at home moms hold down the fort at home while also running a part or full time business. These moms may make it look easy, but few women can accomplish these feats without a modicum of stress and frustration. You can support t the busy mom in your life with one of these great ideas.

1. Offer to babysit. Give mom some extended work time or much needed alone time by offering to take her kids one afternoon a week. A successful mom will know how to make these few hours go a long way and will appreciate the freedom and qu8iet your offer affords.

2. Be a mock customer. If your work at home mom is running any kind of networking business, she will benefit from fresh ears and a different perspective on her presentation style and product knowledge. Be her test dummy and allow her to practice with you. Not only will she appreciate the extra practice and the additional expertise, she will appreciate your interest in what she is trying to accomplish.

3. Provide a casserole or two. This might sound like the easiest way to su0port a mom, but it can actually go a long way towards telling a woman how much you value the work she does. Offering to feed her family one night relieves the pressure of her juggling act, frees up additional time for her work , or gives her a little more time to relax and enjoy her family.

Whether you are a neighbor, friend, or husband, you can tell the busy lady in your life how much she means to you by supporting your work at home mom.

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